Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blogging Etiquette

I am pleasantly surprised that blogging has its own rules of etiquette. I found a Web page that sets forth six rules. Upon initial inspection, I like all of them. I would suggest that the most important rule to adhere to is the protocol using strikeouts instead of just making the changes. I’ve noticed strikeouts in other blogs, and now I know how. I think the strikeouts add an aura of personal attention. You know that someone cared enough to give a post some thought after its posting.



nklarich said...

I had never heard of "blogging Etiquette" before. I wonder how many people today are aware of "blogging etiquette? I guess it's important to have some type of etiquette in one's life, without it, we would all be slobs!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a helpful little blog entry. Most of it was common courtesy and good journalism, but the point about just striking out changes was new to me. I hadn’t really thought about showing the refining process. I guess this would be important in case someone was getting facts off of your blog and noticed that they kept changing. Hopefully you will get the facts right the first time though. This way you will be a more reliable source to your readers.

Swamp Boy said...

I think that adhering to etiquette rules like not deleting posts, correcting mistaken facts, and avoiding poor language (in all it's forms) creates a stonger culture and reliability in the blogosphere. Many poeple are still skeptical of bloggers, seeing them as ranting, opinion driven, non-journalists. I like that you found this article because it, at least, can give weight to the fact that blogging can be a strong source for more information than opinion. There really are rules to blogging and you found them. Kudos.

Austin said...

I also have never herd of blogging etiquette. As far as I was concerned blogging was the one place where anything goes.
I think however in a lot of cases blogging etiquette is something that more people should follow. In order for someones blog to credible there needs to be sort of rules that bloggers adhere to.

Christie said...

I think that blogging etiquette is important for those who contribute to a blog to follow. By following an etiquette the environment of the blog stays safe and factual. Depending on what the blog is about and if they continually change factual information, wouldn't that be considered an unethical thing to do.