Wednesday, October 8, 2008

PR – A Fashion Statement or Faux pas

A blog that I found and really enjoyed was Pierce Mattie Public Relations New York & Los Angeles. The reason I like it is because it is a bunch of different public relations advocates and publicists from the areas of fitness, beauty, fashion and jewelry. They all come together to spotlight their own expertise, to the same audience.

They take the opportunity on the blog to talk about hot topics, but not the way most people would. For example, when talking about the presidential and VP debates, they don’t address the topics. Instead they use witty humor to talk about how the candidates looked and presented themselves. They tie in points about why this would be important from a PR stand point, but you can tell that the bloggers are having just as much fun as the readers.

They also talk about things like celebrity branding and the new inspiration for jewelry lines. This is just a way to get their clients name out in a fun way, but it’s interesting, so it works. They often have links over to a product they are talking about, as well as a link to their own specific blog on their respective topics.

If nothing else, this is a fun blog to glance at just to see another side of the PR world.

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