Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Season of Giving

People working in PR know that when there is any type of event they need to feed the media, not just with information.

The blog that I read is the India PR blog. The main point in this blog posting asked if giving media gifts to cover a story is ethical. The writer brought up many points in talking about how a government minister died the previous night and the media was calling to see what type of gift they would receive for attending the event and writing a story. After the tragic accident of the minister the writer came to believe that gifts were more important than the situation at hand.

I understand that by providing the media with incentives to come to an event and write a story can help you overall. For anyone at anytime who receives a gift it always raises the perception of the gift giver. This writers perspective is that by giving the media gifts is unethical. The author is unsure about who to blame for the up rise in unethical gift giving, the PR person or the client.

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