Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Networker

If there is one tip that I can pass on that will make a big difference professionally, it is how to network the right way. I recently read an article titled "How to Work a Room." It nailed the correct concepts of how to network with efficiency. I try to regularly apply these suggestions and feel that over time, they have begun to pay-off.

So far, most young professionals I've met interpret the term "networking" as a concept that means that they need to glad-hand professionals that can make their careers take-off. They need to get as many business cards as possible at every function, or they need to make buddies with the big-wigs in the room.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

As you will see in this article, the best practice is to meet a small handful of people at a party and get to know them. Not get to know their business, or company, or job. Talk about real things in society outside of work. After all, you are public relations person, aren't you? Shouldn't you know what is happening in the world after having read, say, the newspaper? Novel idea, I know.

A successful "networker" will spend time cultivating relationships with a few people at a time. Talk about sports, the news, politics, jokes, and mostly THEM. It is so true that we all like to talk about ourselves, but getting yourself to prompt others and let them tell their stories builds friendship. There will be many parties and lots of time to talk about work. Don't miss the chance to learn about people's personal lives.

"How to Work a Room" was a great article and reminder about good networking practices.

And remember, next time someone challenges you to a game of "I bet I can get more business cards than you," slap some sense into them.

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